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2009 PLTL Research Publications

Amaral, K., & Martin V. (2009). What teaching teaches. Journal of Chemical Education, 86, 630-633.

Biggers, M., Yilmaz, T., Sweat, M. (2009). Using collaborative, modified peer led team learning to improve student success and retention in intro cs. Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education SIGCSE 09, 41, 1.

Cheng, D., Walters, M. (2009). Peer-assisted learning in mathematics: An observational study of student success.  Journal of Peer Learning, 2, 23-39. http://ro.uow.edu.au/ajpl/vol2/iss1/3

Cooper, M. (2009). Chemistry Education: Issues and Trends. APS Forum on Education, Spring 2009 Newsletter, pp. 18-19.

Foroudastan.S. & Hulsey, K. (2009). Applied Engineering Stimulates Undergraduate Technology Students’ Innovative Thinking and Success at National Competitions. International Journal of Modern Engineering, 10,, 1, Fall/Winter.

Frey, R., Brown, P.L., Sawyer, R.K. (2009). An Analysis of Discourse in Peer-Led Team Learning. DivCHED CCCE: Committee on Computers in Chemical Education. http//www.ccce.divched.org/P3Fall2009ConfChem.

Gosser, D.K. (2009). PLTL in General Chemistry: Scientific Learning and Discovery. In Pienta, N., Cooper, M., and Greenbowe, T. (Eds.). The Chemist’s Guide to Effective Teaching, Volume 2. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Gosser, D.K., Sohel, M. (2009). Chemistry: Exploring the Molecular Vision.  sites.google.com/site/chempltl/

Horwitz, S., Rodger, S.H., Biggers, M., Binkley, D., Frant, C.K., Gundermann, D., Hambrusch, S., Huss-Lederman, S., Muson, E., Ryder, B., Sweat, M. (2009). Using Peer-Led Team Learning to increase participation and success of under-represented groups in introductory computer science. SIGCSE ’09, March, Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on computer science education, 163-167. www.cs.wisc.edu/wpis/papers/sigcse09.pdf

Labov, J.B., Singer, S.R., George, M.D., Schweingruber, H.A., and Hilton, M.L. (2009). Effective practices in undergraduate STEM education Part 1: Examining the evidence. CBE Life Sciences Education, 8, 3, 157-161, Fall.

Loui, M.C., Robbins, B.A., Johnson, E.C., Vankatesan, N. (2009). Assessment of Peer-Led Team Learning in an Engineering Course for  Freshmen. https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/loui/www/PLTLQuant.pdf

Micari, M., Light, G. (2009). Reliance to independence: Approaches to learning in peer-led undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workshops.  International Journal of Science Education, 31, 13, 1713-1741 (September). www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a905937053~db=all~order=pubdate

Pazos, P., Micari, M., Light, G. (2009). Developing an instrument to characterise peer-led groups in collaborative learning environments: assessing problem-solving approach and group interaction. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02602930802691572(July). www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a913392472

Preszler, R.W. (2009). Replacing lecture with peer-led workshops improves student learning. CBE-Life Sciences Education, V. 8, 182-192, Fall. www.lifescied.org/cgi/content/full/8/3/182

Quitadamo, I.J., Brahler, C.J., Crouch, G.J. (2009). Peer-Led Team Learning: A Prospective Method for Increasing Critical Thinking in undergraduate Science Courses. Science Educator, 18, 1 (Spring), 29-39. www.nsela.org/publications/scienceeducator/18article3.pdf

Rovner, S.L. (2009). High Jinks Boost Chemical Learning. Chemical and Engineering News, 87, 16, 46-47 (April 20). pubs.acs.org/cen/education/87/8716education.html

Schray, K., Russo, M. J., Egolf, R., Lademan, W., and Gelormo, D. (2009). Research and Teaching: Are In-Class Peer Leaders Effective in the Peer-Led Team-Learning Approach? Journal of College Science Teaching, Mar.

Tanner, K.D. (2009). Talking to learn: Why biology students should be talking in classrooms and how to make it happen. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 8, 2, 89-94.

Weimer, M. (2009). Peer-Led Team Learning. The Teaching Professor. http://www.teachingprofessor.com/articles/teaching-and-learning/peer-led-team-learning