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2016 PLTL Research Publications

 Arendale, D.R., & Hane, A.R. (2016). Peer study groups as catalyst for vocational exploration. Journal of developmental education, 39, 2, 2-4, 6, 8, 10-11, 26-27

Beneteau, C., Fox, G., Xu, X., Lewis, J.E., Ramachandran, K., Campbell, S., & Holcomb, J. (2016). Peer-led guided inquiry in calculus at the University of South Florida. Journal of STEM education, 17, 2, 5- 13, April-June.

Brault, I., Vanier, M.-C., Dumez, V., Towle, A., Godolphin, W., Pittenger, A.L., Conway, J., VonBank, J.R., & Collins, L. (2016). Partnering with patients in interprofessional education in Canada and in the USA: challenges and strategies. Leading Research in Evaluation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, pp. 329-353. Netherlands: Springer.

Cannon, E.M., Chawla, P., Lo, K., & Adams, H. (2016). igniteCS: Addressing undergraduate CS retention. SIGCSE ’16, Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 238-239. DOI: 10.1145/2839509.2844658

Carlson, K., Turvold Celotta, D., Curran, E., Marcus, M., and Loe, M. (2016). Assessing the Impact of a Multi-Disciplinary Peer-Led-Team Learning Program on Undergraduate STEM Education, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13(1). Available at: JUTLP

Chan, J.Y.K., & Bauer, C.F. (2016). Learning and studying strategies used by general chemistry students with different affective characteristics. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1039/C5RP00205B

Dubey, H., Kaushik, L., Sangwan, A., & Hansen, J.H.L. (2016). A speaker diarization system for studying Peer-Led Team Learning groups. Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2016, San Francisco, USA. ArXiv:1606.07316v1.

Feder, E., Khan, I., Mazur G., Vernon, T., Janke, T., Newbrough, J., Shuck, L., Zhu, L., & Varma-Nelson, P. V. (2016). Accessing Collaborative Online Learning with Mobile Technology in Cyber Peer-Led Team Learning.  EDUCAUSE Review Online51, 2.

Khatri, R., Henderson, C., Cole, R., Froyd, J.E., Friedrichsen, D., & Stanford, C. (2016). Designing for sustained adoption: A model of developing educational innovations for successful propagation. Physical review physics education research, 12, 010112.

Kudish, P. Shores, R., McClung, A., Smulyan, L., Vallen, E.A., & Siwicki, K.K. (2016). Active learning outside the classroom: Implementation and outcomes of Peer-Led Team Learning workshops in Introductory Biology. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 15, 3, article 31.

Nepomuceno, G.M., Decker, D.M., Shaw, J.D., Boyes, L., Tantillo, D.J., Wedler, H.B. (2016). The value of safety and practicality: Recommendations for training disabled students in the sciences with a focus on blind and visually impaired students in chemistry laboratories. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, 23, 1, 5-11.

Qureshi, S., Bradley, K., Vishnumolakala, V.R., Treagust, D.F., Southams, D.C., Mocerino, M., Oheil, J. (2016). Educational Reforms and Implementation of Student-Centered Active Learning in Science at Secondary and University Levels in Qatar. Science Education International, 27, 3, 437-456.

Repice, M.D., Sawyer, R.K., Hogrebe, M.C., Brown, P.L., Luesse, S.B., Gealy, D.J., and Frey, R.F. (2016). Talking through the problems: a study of discourse in peer-led small groups. Chemistry Education Research and  Practice, 2016,17, 555-568. DOI: 10.1039/C5RP00154D

Sloane, J.D. (2016). The Influence Of Peer-Led Team Learning on Underrepresented Minority Student Achievement in Introductory Biology and Recruitment and Retention In Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Majors. Dissertations – ALL. 607. http://surface.syr.edu/etd/607

Snyder, J.J.,  Sloane, J.D., Dunk, R.K.P., & Wiles, J. (2016). Peer-Led Team Learning Helps Minority Students Succeed. PLOS Biology, 14 (3), March. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002398 . 

Stephenson, N.S., & Sadler-McKnight, N.P. (2016). Developing critical thinking skills using the Science Writing Heuristic in the chemistry laboratory. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 17, 72-79.

Wade, P. (2016). Student tutors: An analysis of the creation of a Peer-Led tutoring initiative utilizing the implementation staircase model. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 4, 2, 367-372. http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/viewFile/382/244

Wankat, P.C., & Bullard, L.G. (2016). The future of engineering education – revisited. Chemical Engineering Education, 50, 1, 19-28. 

Waratuke, S., & Kling, T. (2016). Interdisciplinary research in a dense summer bridge: The role of a writing intensive chemistry seminar. Journal of Chemical Education, 93, 8, 1391-1396.

Wilson, S.B., & Varma-Nelson, P. (2016). Small groups, significant impact: A review of Peer-Led Team Learning research with implications for STEM education researchers and faculty. Journal of Chemical Education, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00862.

Zaki, N. (2016). PageRank algorithm to improve the Peer-Led Team Learning pedagogical approach. Smart Education and e-Learning, Vol. 59, 226-234. Netherlands: Springer.