Call for Presentations, Workshops, Posters
This year’s conference theme is
Opportunities and Challenges in the Age of Technology Enhanced Education
The Peer-Led Team Learning International Society’s Thirteenth Annual Conference provides a forum for practitioners and researchers, including faculty, learning specialists/developers, administrators, Peer Leaders, teachers, and others, using various forms of peer-led learning.
- Abstracts from all areas of practice of peer-led learning are welcome
- Submissions must be original contributions
- Presentations should be planned for both in-person and virtual attendees
- All submissions will be peer-reviewed according to the following criteria:
- the abstract clearly articulates how the presentation will benefit participants
- the abstract clearly articulates how the presentation will suggest effective strategies for practice or research to others in the community of PLTL and peer learning practitioners
- Suggested areas for topics:
- AI and technology
- Emotional support and sense of belonging
- Emotional intelligence in practice
- Sustainability of campus programs
- Preparation for peer-led sessions; content and pedagogy
- Critical thinking and metacognition
- Workplace skills development
- Faculty development
- Other related topics are welcomed
Presentations will be in one of the following formats:
- Short talks: 20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes Q&A
- Workshops: Intended for interactive presentations, can be for 60, 90 and 120 minutes
- Posters
Deadline for Submissions: Monday, March 31st, 2025
Questions? Contact Mohsen Beheshti,
Chair, Host Site Conference Committee
Contact Milka Montes,
Chair, PLTLIS Conference Committee