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Irwanto, I., Pratiwi, Y., & Manurung, S.F. (2024). Enhancing students’ conceptual understanding of buffer solutions through peer-led problem-based learning. International Journal of Religion, 5, 6, 369–378.
Chase, T., Maric, D., Rao, A. S., Kline, G., & Varma-Nelson, P. (2023). Peer Leader Transferable Skills Survey: Development, Findings, and Implications. Research & Practice in Assessment, 18, 2.
Cortidor, A. L., Igot, J. J., & Artiaga, R. Q. (2023). Peer-led team learning: A strategy to enhance research productivity and competence. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 4, 5, 1546–1554.
Dsouza, K., Zhu, L., Varma-Nelson, P., Fang, S., & Mukhopadhyay, S. (2023). AI-augmented peer led team learning for STEM education. 2023 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), May 23-26.
McAlpin, J.D., Kulatunga, U., & Lewis, J.E. (2023). Using social influence models to characterize student interest in a general chemistry peer-led team learning setting. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 13, 24, 1003-1024.
Njoku, M. I. A., & Shedrack, T. (2023). Developing confidence in a learner through peer-led team learning strategy: Curbing the menace of examination malpractice in science. Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Journal of Mathematics, and Science Education, 4, 1, 1–5.
Servin, C., Pagel, M., & Webb, E. (2023). An authentic peer-led team learning program for community colleges: A recruitment, retention, and completion instrument for face-to-face and online modality. SIGCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1, 736–742.
Shanbrom, C., Norris, M., Esgana, C., Krauel, M., Pigno, V., & Lundmark, J. (2023). Assessing student success in a peer assisted learning program using propensity score matching. Journal of College Science Teaching, 52, 7, 129-136.
Adewusi, M.A., Usman, M.O., Odekeye, O.T., Egbowon, S.E., (2022). Exploring the teaching and learning of machine language: A novel use of culturo-techno-contextual approach (CTCA) and peer-led team learning (PLTL) strategies.
Ahmed, M.M., & Haji, S.J. (2022). The effectiveness of peer-led team learning (PLTL) in the achievement of seventh-grade students in the subject of science and developing their team working skills. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, 82, 145-175.
John, S., & Sagadavan, R. (2022). Peer-Led case study methodology in the learning of statistics. In: Chang-Tik, C., Kidman, G., & Tee, M.Y. (Eds.) Collaborative Active Learning. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Maxwell, M.C., & Wiles, J.R. (2022). Cyber peer led team learning (cPLTL) supports marginalized groups, including women, in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, 48, 1, 10-16.
Ortiz, J.E., Rivera, G.C., Torres, L.B.M., Gonzalez, C.D.P. (2022). Scope of the implementation of PLTL PBL strategies in hybrid mode in the learning of intermediate algebra concepts [Alcance de la implementación de las estrategias PLTL + PBL en modalidad híbrida en el aprendizaje de conceptos de Álgebra Intermedia]. HETS Online Journal, 13, 1.
Rahayu, A., Ilimu, E., & Adewia, M. (2022). Development of interactive E-Workbook based on peer-led team learning on collaboration skills and critical thinking in basic chemistry concept. Jurnal Tadris Kimiya, 7, 2, 201-214.
Tuzlukaya, S., Sahin, N. G. G., & Cigdemoglu, C. (2022). Extending peer-led team learning to management education: The effects on achievement, critical thinking, and interest. The International Journal of Management Education, 20, 2.
Young, J.D., & Lewis, S.E. (2022). Evaluating peer-led team learning integrated into online instruction in promoting general chemistry student success. Teaching Changes and Insights Gained in the Time after COVID-19 Special Issue, Journal of Chemical Education, 99, 3, 1392−1399.
Clark, A.M., & Raker, J.R. (2021). Development and evaluation of scales for measuring self-efficacy and teaching beliefs of students facilitating peer-supported pedagogies. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21, 3, 1-20.
Lamina, O.G. (2021). Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL), Student achievement and engagement in learning chemistry. International Journal of Quality in Education, 5, 2.
Liou-Mark, J., Villatoro, M., Masuda, A., Ikramova, M., Shati, F., Rivera, J., & Lee, V. (2021). Peer-Led Team Learning in mathematics: An effort to address diversity and inclusion through learning and leadership (Case #16). In Voigt, M., Hagman, J. E., Gehrtz, J., Ratliff, B., Alexander, N. & Levy, R. (Eds.). Justice through the lens of Calculus: Framing new possibilities for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Mathematical Association of America.
Walker, R., Chong, S., & Chong, J. (2021). Facilitating peer-led group research through virtual collaboration spaces: An exploratory research study. Research in Learning Technology, 29.
Wilson, S.B., & Varma-Nelson, P. (2021). Implementing peer-led team learning and cyber peer-led team learning in an organic chemistry course. Journal of College Science Teaching, 50, 3, 44-50.
Bodner, G.& Elmas, R. (2020). The impact of inquiry-based, group-work approaches to instruction on both students and their peer leaders. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8, 1, 51-66.
Chase, A., Rao, A.S., Lakmala, P., & Varma-Nelson, P. (2020). Beyond content knowledge: transferable skills connected to experience as a peer-leader in a PLTL program and long-term impacts. International Journal of STEM Education, 7, 29.
Chintakunta, H., Alsweiss, S., Vargas, J., & Holton, D. (2020). Using Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) approach to improve retention in ECE gateway courses. ASEE Southeastern Section Conference.
Fink, A., Frey, R.F., Solomon, E.D. (2020). Belonging in general chemistry predicts first-year undergraduates’ performance and attrition. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21, 4, 1042-1062.
Frankel, S., & Kerr, M. (2020). Math as Social Endeavor: Groupwork and the Blackboard. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 67, 9, 1357-1358.
Guden, J.M., Bellen, J.A. (2020). A scoping review of the peer-led team learning to learner-participants and peer leaders in STEM courses. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 9, 5, 1-13.
Harris, A., Harris, S., Hulsey, S., & Lindsey, T. (2020). Teaching College Algebra Using Web-Based, Project-Based and Peer-Led-Team Learning. Creative Education, 11, 6, 898-912.
Jeffery, K.A. & Bauer, C.F. (2020). Students’ responses to emergency remote online teaching reveal critical factors for all teaching. J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 9, 2472–2485.
Johnston, B.M. (2020). ‘Soft’ skills identified by students who peer-led mathematics computing workshops. Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference; The ANZIAM Journal, 61, C104-C118.
Kwon, O., Xu, C., Markowitz, K. & Dreyfuss, A.E. (2020). Engineering technology: Engaging disciplinary thinking and doing (Chapter 7). In But, J.C. (Ed.). Teaching college-level disciplinary literacy: Strategies and practices in STEM and professional studies. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Njoku, M.I.A. (2020). Developing a positive attitude towards the learning of biology in secondary schools through peer led team learning strategy. International Journal of Science and Research, 9, 4, 1330-1335.
Njoku, M. I. A. & Nwagbo, C. R. (2020). Enhancing students' attitude and achievement in biology through innovative strategies. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 6 2, 134-152.
Njoku, M. I. A., Nwagbo, C. R. & Ugwuanyi, C. S. (2020) Effect of peer tutoring and peer-led team learning on students’ achievement in Biology. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 13, 1, 1-10.
Orden, C. B., & Prudente, M.S. (2020). Relationship of the variables affecting the students utilizing the peer led team learning 7e chemical bonding worksheets. American Journal of Education Research, 8, 6, 360-366.
Raker, J.R., Dood, A.J., Srinivasan, S., & Murphy, K.L. (2020). Pedagogies of engagement use in postsecondary chemistry education in the United States: results from a national survey. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 22, 1, 30-42.
Ralph, V.R., & Lewis, S.E. (2020). Introducing randomization tests via an evaluation of peer-led team learning in undergraduate chemistry courses. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21, 1, 287-306.
Romito, L., Daulton, B.J., Stone, C., & Pfeifle, A.L. (2020). Peer led team learning in a foundational IPE curriculum. Health, Interprofessional Practice & Education (, 4, 1, 1-12.
Shayesteh, S., Cochran, Z., Dhavalikar, R., Huelsman, I, Madan, A., Peters, T., Yago, A., Wible, G., & Rizkalla, M. (2020). Enhancing course objectives for a sophomore electronic devices class via peer-led team learning (PLTL) Model and Attached Projects. 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).
Şişman, N.E.E. (2020). Implementation of the peer-led team learning (PLTL) model to Turkish context: Its effect on undergraduate engineering students’ academic performances and anxiety in general chemistry course. Thesis submitted to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Middle East Technical University.
Szteinberg, G., Repice, M.D., Hendrick, C., Meyerink, S., & Frey, R.F. (2020). Peer leader reflections on promoting discussion in peer group-learning sessions: Reflective and practiced advice through collaborative annual peer-advice books. CBE—Life Sciences Education 19, 1, ar2, 1–13.
Winterton, C.I., Dunk, R.D.P., & Wiles, J.R. (2020). Peer-led team learning for introductory biology: relationships between peer-led relatability, perceived role model status and the potential influences of these variables on student learning gains. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 2, 3, 1-9.
Zorlu, F. & Zorlu, Y. (2020). Investigation of the effects of a peer-led team learning instructional model (PLTL) in teaching the simple electrical circuits subject on the seven principles for good practice. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 15, 3, 249-266.
Alberte, J., Cruz, A., & Dreyfuss, A.E. (2019). Developing embedded program evaluation and research training in scholarly learning: An overview of the research assistant peer leaders program as a model for undergraduate research. Proceedings of 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation; Seville, Spain, November 11-13.
Anwar, Y.A.S., & Hariantini, H. (2019). Application of the peer led team learning model to improve student learning outcomes and attitudes towards chemistry [Penerapan Model Peer Led Team Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Sikap Siswa Terhadap Kimia]. Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 14 1, 13-17.
Baker, C.K., & Hjalmarson, M. (2019). Designing purposeful student interactions to advance synchronous learning experiences. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teach Technologies, 14, 1, 16."
Bergey, B.W., Parrila, R.K., Laroche, A. & Deacon, S.H. (2019). Effects of peer-led training on academic self-efficacy, study strategies, and academic performance for first-year university students with and without reading difficulties. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 25-39.
Cracolice, M.S., & Queen, M.S. (2019). Maximizing learning efficiency in general chemistry (Ch. 4). In Blaser, M., Clark, T., Lamont, L., & Stewart, J.J. (Eds.). Active Learning in General Chemistry: Whole-Class Solutions, ACS Symposium Series, 1322, 55-67.
Dickson-Karn, N.M. (2019). Implementing reciprocal peer teaching in the instrumental analysis laboratory (Ch. 7). In Crawford, G.L., Kloepper, K.D., Meyers, J.J., & Singiser, R.H. (Eds.). Communication in Chemistry, ACS Symposium Series, 1327, 97-109.
Kerr, E.F., & Samuels, M. (2019). Using graduate and experienced undergraduate students to support introductory courses (Ch. 7). In Hartwell, S.K., & Gupta, T. (Eds.). From General to Organic Chemistry: Courses and Curricula to Enhance Student Retention.
McDowell, T.R., Schmittzehe, E.T., Duerden, A.J., Cernusca, D., Collier, H., & Woelk, K. (2019). A student-choice model to address diverse needs and promote active learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28, 4, 321-328.
Mutanyatta-Comar, J., & Mooring, S. R. (2019). Evaluation of a peer-led team learning-flipped classroom reform in large enrollment organic chemistry courses (Ch. 11). Hartwell, S.K., & Gupta, T. (Eds.). From General to Organic Chemistry: Courses and Curricula to Enhance Student Retention, 145–157.
Njoku, M. I. A (2019) Effects of peer tutoring and peer-led team learning on secondary school students’ attitude towards and achievement in biology. An unpublished Ph.D Thesis of University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Pon-Barry, H., St. John, A., Packard, B. W-L., & Rotundo, B. (2019). A flexible curriculum for promoting inclusion through peer mentorship. SIGCSE '19: Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1116-1122.
Queen, M.S., & Cracolice, M.S. (2019). Facilitating the development of students’ problem-solving skills via active learning in general chemistry (Ch. 3). In Blaser, M., Clark, T., Lamont, L., & Stewart, J.J. (Eds.). Active Learning in General Chemistry: Specific Interventions, ACS Symposium Series, 1340, 21-30
Stephenson, N.S., Miller, I.R., & Sadler-McKnight, N.P. (2019). Impact of peer-led team learning and the science writing and workshop template on the critical thinking skills of first-year chemistry students. Journal of Chemical Education, 96, 5, 841-849.
Welder, C.O. (2019). An all-in approach to flipping the organic chemistry classroom using elements of peer-led team learning with undergraduate learning assistants (Ch. 8). In Houseknecht, J.B., Leontyev, A., Maloney, V.M., & Welder, C.O. (Eds.). Active Learning in Organic Chemistry: Implementation and analysis.
Wilson, S.B., & Varma-Nelson, P. (2019). Characterization of first-semester organic chemistry peer-led team learning and cyber peer-led team learning students’ use and explanation of electron-pushing formalism. Journal of Chemical Education, 96, 1, 25-34.
Wilton, M., Gonzalez-Niño, E., McPartlan, P. Terner, Z., Christofferson, R.E., & Rothman, J.H. (2019). Improving academic performance, belonging, and retention through increasing structure of an introductory biology course. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 18:ar53, 1–13.
Zha, S., Estes, M. D., & Xu, L. (2019). A meta-analysis on the effect of duration, task, and training in peer-led learning. Journal of Peer Learning, 12, 1, 5-28.
Barnard, R.A., Boothe, J.R., Salvatore, J., Emerson, K., Boone, A., Sandler, C., & Coppola, B.R. (2018). Course-based support for peer-led study group facilitators in a large instruction team. Journal of College Science Teaching, 47, 4, 21-29.
Blanco, S.A. (2018). Active learning in a discrete mathematics class. SIGCSE ’18 Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on computer science education, 828-833. Baltimore, Maryland.
Cancado, L., Reisel, J.R., & Walker, C.M. (2018). Impact of first-year mathematics study groups on the retention and graduation of engineering students. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49, 6, 856-866.
Eren-Sisman, E.N., Cigdemoglu, C., & Geban, O. (2018). The effect of peer-led team learning on undergraduate engineering students’ conceptual understanding, state anxiety, and social anxiety. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19, 3, 694-710.
Frey, R.F., Fink, A., Cahill, M.J., McDaniel, & M.A., Solomon, E.D. (2018). Peer-led team learning in general chemistry I: Interactions with identity, academic preparation, and a course-based intervention. Journal of Chemical Education, 95, 12, 2103-2113.
Gibbons, R.E., Xu, X., Villafane, S.M., & Raker, J.R. (2018). Testing a reciprocal causation model between anxiety, enjoyment and academic performance in postsecondary organic chemistry. Educational Psychology: International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 38, 6, 838-856.
Glover, R., Hammond, N.B., Smith, J., & Guerra, D.. (2018). Assessing peer leader skill acquisition and group dynamics in a first-year calculus course. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 12, 1, 1-10.
Harper, M.S., & Allegretti, C.L. (2018). Transition to success: training students to leadp per groups in higher education. New York, NY: Momentum Press.
Hansen, J.H.L., Dubey, H., Sangwan, A., Kaushik, L., & Kothapally, V. (2018). UTDallas-PLTL: Advancing multi-stream speech processing for interaction assessment in peer-led team learning. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143, 3, 1869.
Hodges, L.C. (2018). Contemporary issues in group learning un undergraduate science classrooms: A perspective from student engagement. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 17, 2, es3, 1-10.
Kalaian, S.A., Kasin, R.M., & Nims, J.K. (2018). Effectiveness of small-group learning pedagogies in engineering and technology education: A meta-analysis. Journal of Technology Education, 29, 2, 20-35.
Koretsky, M. Keeler, J., Ivanovitch, J. & Cao, Y. (2018). The role of pedagogical tools in active learning: A case for sense-making. International journal of STEM education, 5, 18, 1-20.
McDaniel, M.A., Mestre, J.P., Frey, R.F., Gouravajhala, R., Hilborn, R.C., Miyatsu, T., Morphew, J.W., & Slakey, L.L. (2018). Maximizing undergraduate STEM learning: Promoting research at the intersection of cognitive psychology and discipline-based education research.
McDowell, T. R. (2018). Evaluation of the redesign of a STEM gatekeeper course, general chemistry I, incorporating active-learning strategies and implementation of a student-choice model. Doctoral Dissertations, 2683.
Micari, M., & Pazos, P. (2018). Small fish in a small pond: the impact of collaborative learning on academic success for less-prepared students in a highly selective STEM environment. Higher Education Research & Development, 38, 2, 294-306.
Liou-Mark, J., Ghosh-Dastidar, U., Samaroo, D., & Villatoro, M. (2018). The peer-led team learning leadership program for first year minority science, technology, engineering, and mathematics students. Journal of Peer Learning, 11, 1, 65-75.
Liu, Y., Raker, J.R., & Lewis, J.E. (2018). Evaluating student motivation in organic chemistry courses: Moving from a lecture-based to a flipped approach with peer-led team learning. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19, 19, 251-264.
Narayanan, S., Cunningham, K., Arteaga, S., Welch, W.J., Maxwell, L., Chawinga, Z., & Su, B. (2018). Upward mobility for underrepresented students: a model for a cohort-based bachelor’s degree in computer science. ACM Inroads, 9, 2, 72-78.
Sidhu, G., & Srinivasan, S. (2018). An intervention-based active-learning strategy to enhance student performance in mathematics. International journal of pedagogy and teacher education, 2, 1, 85-96.
Skagen, D., McCollum, B., Morsch, L., & Shokoples, B. (2018). Developing communication confidence and professional identity in chemistry through international online collaborative learning. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19, 2, 567-582.
Veale, C.G.L, Krause, R.W.M., & Sewry, J.D. (2018). Blending problem-based learning and peer-led team learning, in an open ended “home grown” pharmaceutical chemistry case study. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19, 1, 68-79.
Villatoro, M., Pena, K.K., & Liou-Mark, J. (2018). The effects of peer-led workshops in a statics course. Paper ID #24399. ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District of Columbia.
Winterton, C., (2018). Peer-led team learning: The effect of peer leader and student interactions on student learning gains and course achievement in introductory biology. Dissertations, ALL.901.
Xu, C., Kwon, O., Ostrom, R., But, J., Mendoza, B., & Liou-Mark, J. (2018). Peer-led team learning bridges the learning gap in a first-year engineering technology course. 2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District of Columbia.
Abeysiriwardhane, A., Lutzhoft, M., Petersen, E.S., & Enshaei, H. (2017). Human-centred design knowledge into maritime engineering education; theoretical framework. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 21, 2, 49-60.
Apugliese, A., & Lewis, S.E. (2017). Impact of instructional decisions on the effectiveness of cooperative learning in chemistry through meta-analysis. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18, 1, 271-278.
Bilal, S., Shuriye, A. O., & Othman, R. (2017). The impact of cooperative learning on numerical methods course. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 11, 2, 336-339.
But, J.C., Brown, P., & Smyth, D.S. (2017). Reading effectively across the disciplines (READ): A strategy to improve student success. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 12, 30-50.
Dubey, H., Sangwan, A. & Hansen, J.H.L. (2017). Using speech technology for quantifying behavioral characteristics in peer-led team learning sessions. Computer Speech & Language, 46, 343-366
Frey, R.F., Cahill, M.J., & McDaniel, M.A. (2017). Students’ concept-building approaches: A novel predictor of success in chemistry courses. Journal of Chemical Education, 94, 9, 1185–1194
Gasman, M., Nguyen, T. H., Conrad, C. F., Lundberg, T., & Commodore, F. (2017). Black male success in STEM: A case study of morehouse college. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 10, 2, 181-200.
Gray, J., Roberts, M., & Corley, J. (2017). Getting principled: Reflections on teaching CS principles at two college board university pilots. SIGCSE '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 249-254.
Jardine, H.E., & Friedman, L.A. (2017). Using undergraduate facilitators for active learning in organic chemistry: A preparation course and outcomes of the experience. J. Chem. Educ., 94, 6, 703–709.
Khatri, R., Henderson, C., Cole, R., Froyd, J.E., Friedrichsen, D., & Stanford, C. (2017). Characteristics of well-propagated teaching innovations in undergraduate STEM. International Journal of STEM Education, 4, 2, 1-10.
Kim, Y. (2017). Analysis of peer-led team learning (PLTL) data for calculus using linear mixed effect models. Spring, 66, 92.
Lamers, T.S. (2017). Credited peer-led team-learning and undergraduate student success. Doctoral Dissertation.
Lara, M. (2017). Peer-led Team learning in a problem-solving course: Lessons learned.
Linton, D.L., Farmer, J.K., Peterson, E. (2017). Is peer interaction necessary for optimal active learning? CBE-Life Sciences Education, 13, 2, 243-252.
Lundmark, J., Paradis, J., Kapp, M., Lowe, E., Tashiro, L. (2017). Development and impact of a training program for undergraduate facilitators of peer-assisted learning. Journal of college science teaching, 46, 6, 50-54.
McVey, M.A., Bennett, C.R., Kim, J.H., & Self, A. (2017). Impact of undergraduate teaching fellows embedded in key undergraduate engineering courses. American Society for Engineering Education, 13, 2, 243-252.
Muller, O., Shacham, M. & Herscovitz, O. (2017) Peer-led team learning in a college of engineering: First-year students’ achievements and peer leaders’ gains. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55, 6, 660-671.
Pratt, D.E. (2017). A narrative case study examining the influences of peer-led team learning on student critical thinking skill acquisition and deeper process content knowledge in a midsize texas university humanities and social sciences program. University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 2429.
Sabanavagam, K., Dani, V.D., John, M., Restivo, W., Mikhavlichenko, S., & Dalili, S., (2017). Developing and implementing lab skills seminars, a student-led learning approach in the organic chemistry laboratory: Mentoring current students while benefiting facilitators. Journal of Chemical Education, 94, 12, 1881–1888.
Salomone, M., & Kling, T., (2017). Required peer-cooperative learning improves retention of STEM majors. International Journal of STEM Education, 4, 19, 1-12.
Sloane, J.D., Snyder, J.J., Wiles, J.R. (2017). Peer-led team learning improves minority student retention in STEM majors.
Stockwell, B.R., Stockwell, M.S., & Jiang, E. (2017). Group problem-solving in class improves undergraduate learning. ACS Central Science, 3, 6, 614–620
Williams, J.L., Miller, M.E., Avitabile, B.C., Burrow, D.L., Schmittou, A.N., Mann, M.K., & Hiatt, L.A. (2017). Teaching students to be instrumental in analysis: Peer-led team learning in the instrumental laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education, 94, 12, 1889-1895.
Arendale, D.R., & Hane, A.R. (2016). Peer study groups as catalyst for vocational exploration. Journal of developmental education, 39, 2, 2-4, 6, 8, 10-11, 26-27.
Beneteau, C., Fox, G., Xu, X., Lewis, J.E., Ramachandran, K., Campbell, S., & Holcomb, J. (2016). Peer-led guided inquiry in calculus at the University of South Florida. Journal of STEM education, 17, 2, 5- 13, April-June.
Brault, I., Vanier, M.-C., Dumez, V., Towle, A., Godolphin, W., Pittenger, A.L., Conway, J., VonBank, J.R., & Collins, L. (2016). Partnering with patients in interprofessional education in Canada and in the USA: challenges and strategies. Leading Research in Evaluation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, 329-353. Netherlands: Springer.
Cannon, E.M., Chawla, P., Lo, K., & Adams, H. (2016). igniteCS: Addressing undergraduate CS retention. SIGCSE ’16, Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 238-239.
Carlson, K., Turvold Celotta, D., Curran, E., Marcus, M., & Loe, M. (2016). Assessing the impact of a multi-disciplinary Peer-Led-Team Learning program on undergraduate STEM education. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13, 1, 1-21.
Chan, J.Y.K., & Bauer, C.F. (2016). Learning and studying strategies used by general chemistry students with different affective characteristics. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 17, 4, 675-684.
Dubey, H., Kaushik, L., Sangwan, A., & Hansen, J.H.L. (2016). A speaker diarization system for studying peer-led team learning groups. Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2016, San Francisco, USA.
Feder, E., Khan, I., Mazur G., Vernon, T., Janke, T., Newbrough, J., Shuck, L., Zhu, L., & Varma-Nelson, P. V. (2016). Accessing collaborative online learning with mobile technology in cyber peer-led team learning. EDUCAUSE Review Online, 51, 2.
Hickman, K. (2016). The effects of peer-led team learning on pass rates, academic performance, and retention of under-represented minority students in STEM courses.
Khatri, R., Henderson, C., Cole, R., Froyd, J.E., Friedrichsen, D., & Stanford, C. (2016). Designing for sustained adoption: A model of developing educational innovations for successful propagation. Physical review physics education research, 12, 010112, 1-22.
Kudish, P. Shores, R., McClung, A., Smulyan, L., Vallen, E.A., & Siwicki, K.K. (2016). Active learning outside the classroom: Implementation and outcomes of peer-led team learning workshops in introductory biology. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 15, 3, ar31, 1-11 .
McCullough, S.R. (2016). Social-cognitive gains in female undergraduate peer instructors in STEM disciplines. ProQuest 10131726.
Nepomuceno, G.M., Decker, D.M., Shaw, J.D., Boyes, L., Tantillo, D.J., & Wedler, H.B. (2016). The value of safety and practicality: Recommendations for training disabled students in the sciences with a focus on blind and visually impaired students in chemistry laboratories. Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, 23, 1, 5-11.
Qureshi, S., Bradley, K., Vishnumolakala, V.R., Treagust, D.F., Southams, D.C., Mocerino, M., & Oheil, J. (2016). Educational reforms and implementation of student-centered active learning in science at secondary and university levels in Qatar. Science Education International, 27, 3, 437-456.
Repice, M.D., Sawyer, R.K., Hogrebe, M.C., Brown, P.L., Luesse, S.B., Gealy, D.J., & Frey, R.F. (2016). Talking through the problems: A study of discourse in peer-led small groups. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 17, 3, 555-568.
Sloane, J.D. (2016). The influence of peer-led team learning on underrepresented minority student achievement in introductory biology and recruitment and retention in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors. Dissertations - ALL, 607.
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