Tony West
Tony West, pictographer, contributed significantly to the development of the Peer-Led Team Learning International Society…SEE MORE
Janet Liou-Mark
Janet Liou-Mark, Professor of Mathematics, and champion of Peer-Led Team Learning…. SEE MORE
Joseph G. Griswold, III
Joseph G. Griswold, III, 74, of Brigantine, NJ, passed away on Saturday, December 30, 2017. Dr. Griswold was Professor of Biology at the City College of the City University of New York from 1971 to 2002 and instrumental in promoting Peer-Led Team Learning. SEE MORE
Lucille Burnett Garmon
Dr. Lucille “Lucy” Garmon, Professor Emerita of Chemistry at the University of West Georgia, and Board Member of the Peer-Led Team Learning International Society, died October 17, 2015. One of the early practitioners of PLTL, she was the cornerstone of the practice at West Georgia. SEE MORE
Ongard Sirisaengtaksin
Ongard Sirisaengtaksin, Ph.D. (affectionately known as Dr. Ongard), was a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Technology at the University of Houston Downtown (UHD), Houston, Texas. SEE MORE