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2003 PLTL Research Publications

Amar, F. G., Stewart, B. N.,and Bruce, M. R. M. (2003). Peer Led Team Learning in General Chemistry at Maine. Center for Science and Mathematics Education, February 5, 2003.

Berke, T.. (2003). Good Students Become Great Student Leaders. Strategies for Success. Spring, No. 39. Link to Article: http://www.aw-bc.com/events/strategies/newsletters/pdf/strat39.pdf

Berke, T. (2003). Peer-Led Team Learning: An Active Learning Strategy that Works. Strategies for Success. Spring, No. 39.

Butcher, D.J., Brandt, P.F., & Norgaard, C.J. (2003). Sparking IntroChem: A student-oriented introductory chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 80, 2, 137-139. 

Chenoweth, T.G., Kinnick, M.K., Walleri, R.D. (2003). Lessons learned from efforts at institutional change: Case studies of six OCEPT institutions. The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 6, 103-125.www.math.vcu.edu/g1/journal/Journal6/8ChenowethKinnickWalleri.pdf

Crouch, G., Hallgren, K., & Brahler, J. (2003). Peer-Led Team Learning.  Pacific Northwest Learning Alliance Project White Papers. Link to the Article: http://www.pnla.wsu.edu/whitepapers/peer.pdf

Hoffelder, A.M., & Hoffelder, R.L. (2003). A Gender Comparison of Academic Preparation and General Chemistry Success As Seen in Two Approaches To Instruction. Terrific Science Research Report.

Hoffelder, A.M., & Hoffelder, R.L. (2003). Evaluation of the Peer-Led Team Learning Approach to General Chemistry, CHM 137. Terrific Science Research Report.

Lyle, K.S., and Robinson, W.R. (2003). A Statistical Evaluation: Peer-Led Team Learning in an Organic Chemistry Course. Journal of Chemical Education, 80, 132.. Link to the Article: http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/Journal/Issues/2003/Feb/abs132.html

Malik, D. J. 2003 Peer-led Team Learning in an Urban University. Chinese Journal of Chemical Education,  24, 37-39.

Platt, T., Barber, E., Yoshinaka, A., Roth, V. (2003). Problem-based Learning: An Innovative Selection and Training Program for Problem-based Learning (PBL) Workshop Leaders. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 31, 132-136.

Tenney, A., Houck, B. (2003). Peer-Led Team Learning in introductory biology and chemistry courses: A parallel approach. The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations,  6, 11-20.  Link to the Article: www.math.vcu.edu/g1/journal/Journal6/2TenneyHouck.pdf

The City College of New York. (2003). U.S. Adopts CCNY Peer Teaching Method. City News, the Newsletter of the City College of the City University of New York, Spring.

The City College of New York. (2003). Tutoring More Than Just A Job to Peer Leaders. City News, the Newsletter of the City College of the City University of New York, Spring.